Fiber Arts & Furry Critters

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

I guess I'm officially addicted to the Celtic Cardigan at this point. I've worked on it most of the day. Very frustrating point, tho - I've done the first five rows of the yoke (and *ripped* the first five rows) three times! Well, it seems the fourth time's the charm... but I feel justified in ranting that I *hate* ambiguous instructions! I've finally got it figured out, tho, and am up to the sixth row of the yoke!

Tried working on DS's pullover, but immediately went back to the CC. I'm also considering winding balls of yarn - I need to wind some for the Susan Shabo "Textures" pullover, and for a Starmore that I have kitted up.

Had to go take care of good friend Pam's critters today (3 birds, one pygmy hedgehog, two fish, one angora rabbit). I offered to help her pluck the rabbit (who's ready) but she declined my offer... gee, wonder why?

I've also been invited back to the Deerfield Fair this year, to demo spinning and weaving in the Farm Museum building. Wheee!!!! Had a ball doing it last year as a volunteer - then, when the fair was over, they *paid* me!! Talk about a bonus! Actually, I would have been much happier with a reserved parking space and free entry... will have to talk to them about that.


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