I'm not entirely sure yet that I'm satisfied with the blog template at this point. I had one person leave a comment that she couldn't see one of my pictures; I did have this happen at one point, and had to refresh the screen to see everything. I'm thinking it's because all that info has to be transferred over to the new template, and everything is not yet "meshed"; I could be wrong (it's been known to happen once in a while), but I'm hoping that's the case. If it's not I'll be changing the template once again.
In the meantime, I wanted to share some other fun stuff I've been playing with (when I'm not being attacked by the kitten). I've been discovering the wonderful world of podcasts! For those who don't know, podcasts are kind of like radio programs that you can listen to when you're ready, instead of on a radio station's schedule. I download mine through iTunes. iTunes, by the way, is a free program, and you don't have to have an iPod to use it. You can also go somewhere like Podcast Alley and download individual shows there. iTunes is just capable of automating it for you, and keeping all your downloaded podcasts in one nice, neat place. Many of the podcasts have their own website to start with, as well.
Some of the interesting podcasts I've discovered:
Annie's Quilting Stash
KnitCast - I first read about this one on Claudia's Blog. Thanks so much, Claudia!
There's another podcast about knitting called Cast-on, but I haven't had a chance to listen to that one yet. They only have a couple of episodes up so far.
I've also found a couple of podcasts about dogs. The only one I've listened to so far is the K9Cast. So far I really like this one. I found another one that has recently begun - DogCast Radio - but again, I haven't listened to any episodes from that one yet.
So far I'm enjoying listening to podcasts. It's easier than trying to keep track of a TV show while knitting, weaving, etc., and more fun! During the day most of what I watch, if I'm watching at all, is Trek re-runs anyway.
In other news, the kitten's name is officially "Stitch". I've been working on the Fair Isle sweater some (and will be again tonight), but this weekend I managed to get DS's quilt sandwiched, basted, and I'm about half done with the machine quilting. This is a use-and-abuse quilt, made necessary because he's outgrown his old quilt, and needs warm bedcoverings. What's really cool is the backing fabric, which looks like the lunar surface:
Cool backing for a quilt, eh?
In the meantime, I wanted to share some other fun stuff I've been playing with (when I'm not being attacked by the kitten). I've been discovering the wonderful world of podcasts! For those who don't know, podcasts are kind of like radio programs that you can listen to when you're ready, instead of on a radio station's schedule. I download mine through iTunes. iTunes, by the way, is a free program, and you don't have to have an iPod to use it. You can also go somewhere like Podcast Alley and download individual shows there. iTunes is just capable of automating it for you, and keeping all your downloaded podcasts in one nice, neat place. Many of the podcasts have their own website to start with, as well.
Some of the interesting podcasts I've discovered:
Annie's Quilting Stash
KnitCast - I first read about this one on Claudia's Blog. Thanks so much, Claudia!
There's another podcast about knitting called Cast-on, but I haven't had a chance to listen to that one yet. They only have a couple of episodes up so far.
I've also found a couple of podcasts about dogs. The only one I've listened to so far is the K9Cast. So far I really like this one. I found another one that has recently begun - DogCast Radio - but again, I haven't listened to any episodes from that one yet.
So far I'm enjoying listening to podcasts. It's easier than trying to keep track of a TV show while knitting, weaving, etc., and more fun! During the day most of what I watch, if I'm watching at all, is Trek re-runs anyway.
In other news, the kitten's name is officially "Stitch". I've been working on the Fair Isle sweater some (and will be again tonight), but this weekend I managed to get DS's quilt sandwiched, basted, and I'm about half done with the machine quilting. This is a use-and-abuse quilt, made necessary because he's outgrown his old quilt, and needs warm bedcoverings. What's really cool is the backing fabric, which looks like the lunar surface:
Cool backing for a quilt, eh?
Ooh, that is neat backing.
Y'know, I don't think it is your blog.
I was able to look up the pics in your source, but I think I've got a bad piece of script plagueing me that is causing lots of the pages I look at to load "weird" because it is happening all over.
(BTW, the romney is beautiful)
By Wendy, at 1:38 AM
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