Fiber Arts & Furry Critters

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

OK, I think I have finally managed to convince (coerce) Blogger to display the photos I wanted to put up yesterday. I am in this case linking to pictures hosted in one of my Picturetrail albums.

For Christine, here is the photographic proof that I did indeed conquer the purple cotton yarn:

It took me four or five hours, and some concerted effort with a ball winder, a swift, and my highly-prized Nancy's Knit Knacks Yarn Meter. I love this gadget! I now know, for instance, that the two balls of purple cotton total about 400 yards. If it's enough, I would love to make a scarf similar to this one (see her October 31 entry) or this one.

Of course, in the same package was the fabulous Lorna's Laces Amethyst Stripe sock yarn. I immediately abandoned the green socks I had started from this kit, and started these:

They have become my new carry-around project, and will live in my bag (to be pulled out at long holiday check-out lines and traffic jams) until I become obsessed with finishing them.

The Rogue pullover has seen some progress recently as well. This sweater is now on its third incarnation. I have to admit, my main problem with this has been gauge-related - namely, that I prefer the gauge I was getting to the one specified by the pattern! I made a few changes to the pattern to accomodate my preferred gauge - knitting a larger size, adding a few rows here and there. I expect I may run into problems again when I begin the hood, as I'm sure I'll have to knit it longer than specified in the pattern, but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

I have started another project recently for a friend. She supplied me with the yarn and pattern for this. It is a Starmore pattern, Fish & Anchors, which will eventually be for Melissa's son. Again I am not working to gauge (do we sense a theme here?) but in this case I am working larger than the specified gauge, to make the sweater slightly larger than the pattern measurements without having to make changes to such a complex pattern.

Here's a close-up of the work so far. I really enjoy doing fair isle, and have several of my own somewhere in the depths of the craft room (aka cellar). Even this close-up does not do justice to these gorgeous colors!


  • OK, now I want a yarn meter too! ;)

    Both sweaters are gorgeous. How do you manage to work on more than one at a time?

    I'm also gauge-challenged. I'm hoping to be confident in my knitting someday to go with whatever gauge I'm comfortable with and alter the pattern to fit my preferences instead of the other way around.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 PM  

  • Oh man, how I envy your colorwork. Just lovely.

    By Blogger Wendy, at 7:05 PM  

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