Fiber Arts & Furry Critters

Friday, November 18, 2005

Last week the kids had some time off school (Professional Development Days, whatever that means) and we went to visit a bead shop in Hudson, NH - Castleander Beads. DD wanted to pick up some beads to try her hand at making some jewelry. The ladies at this shop were absolutely lovely, very helpful and welcoming! The class prices are reasonable as well, and they had a great selection! I highly recommend this store. They had some fabulous class samples displayed as well!

Here are DD and DS at the store, pretending that they like each other only because they want me to buy them stuff:

This was DD's favorite class sample. It's called the Cinderella Choker.

This was my favorite, a chain-mail type bracelet called the Byzantine Bracelet.

In other news, DH has convinced me to wait on the acquisition of the Video iPod. One of the reasons I was interested in it (besides the fact that I've found some really cool video podcasts that I wanted to put on it!) was for the bigger hard drive - 60 GB instead of my current (and only six months old) 20 GB iPod. I have been pondering starting up a podcast of my own; rather than acquiring another digital device for recording, there are iPod add-ons (like the Griffin iTalk) that allow you to record using your iPod (when you can't be attached to a laptop for recording). The problem is that the iTalk device does not work with the current generation of Video iPods - not yet, anyway. So instead of getting the Video iPod, I'm sticking with my current one, and instead sprung for an iTalk and a microphone/headset combo.

When we got back from shopping, I found a package from Calista, a friend from the Christian Artisans list. In return for something I mailed to her, she sent this:

Is this not an adorable needle felted sheep ornament? It's actually much cuter in person; the picture doesn't do it justice! This is a skill I definitely do not have, which makes me appreciate the ornament that much more. Thank you, Calista!


  • What podcasts do you subscribe to?

    I hope you decide to go ahead with your own podcast.

    By Blogger Charleen, at 6:10 PM  

  • this sheep is soooo cute. What a wonderful gift.

    By Blogger quiltpixie, at 10:39 AM  

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