Fiber Arts & Furry Critters

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

We have progress! I finally finished the back of the Celtic Cardigan, and have also finished the left front. I've started the right front; then just have the neckline, buttonbands, and sleeves! After poking along on the back for so long, it seemed like the left front flew. I hope the right front goes as fast.

I also took a picture of the skeins I finished earlier this week. The gray ones are Falkland wool. The four skeins total 567 yds and 8.6 oz. The white is a very nice fine wool, Corriedale or something similar (the roving in the bag wasn't labeled, and I don't remember). The two skeins are 445 yds, 5.6 oz. Both of these were done on my wonderful Reeves saxony wheel.

I got to go to dog class again last night. With any luck, this may get to be a regular thing again! The dogs were good, but not as good as last week, altho Roxie did a great drop-on-recall! I may actually get her to Open level one of these days! I'm considering entering a UKC show in late March; that would hopefully allow us to finish Roxie's 4th obedience title (she currently has Novice titles from AKC, Canada, and ASCA (where she's currently ranked #5 Novice obedience dog in the US!)


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