Fiber Arts & Furry Critters

Thursday, May 27, 2004

I haven't been feeling well since this weekend, up until yesterday. As I was unable to concentrate enough to work on complicated knitting or my current very thin spinning, I finished knitting the Opal Bumblebee socks (or thought I did - more on that in a minute). To keep from going stir crazy while lying here I immediately cast on another pair of socks, this time in Regia 5218. These are growing in quite a satisfying manner, maybe in part because it's so much fun watching the bright colors develop.

Imagine my horror, then, to lay out the Bumblebee socks for pictures, only to find out that I apparently was not well enough to count, either!

Do these look like a matched pair to you?

I was so upset that I gave them a time-out and ignored the problem entirely for a couple of days. I even considered throwing them away in disgust. I have decided that I will rip back the longer of the two socks and re-knit it, but it will have to wait until the Regias are done and the needles are free again. At least at that point, even with all the ripping back I need to do to make the legs match, I'll only have half a sock to redo.

In the meantime, I finished recording and editing Colonial House on DVDs. Despite the fact that the producers and I had differing ideas about whether or not the colony could have survived the winter (and a few other points), I enjoyed it. I have to say that I really liked the skirts the women wore! I love long skirts and dresses that leave you room to move. I've found a similar skirt pattern here that I plan to order. It claims to be easy enough for novices - we'll see about that! If I can actually figure out how to sew a piece of clothing for myself, I'd like to consider making some skirts from handwoven fabric (which will mean weaving the fabric first - oh, well, if I have to!)


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